Prior to any referral being submitted to Alexandra Homes, the plan to refer should be discussed and agreed with the client, their family, and carers. The referral should normally be made by the client’s Social Worker or other professional who assesses that the client fulfils the referral criteria.
The referral should be endorsed by the referrer’s line manager. It should then be discussed with one of the Managers at Alexandra Homes. In all instances, our capacity to accept a referral, and the individual needs of current clients will be considered as part of these initial discussions.
Following these discussions, a referral form should be completed in full, with all relevant supporting documentation attached and showing that the client meets the referral criteria.
The referral will then be considered by the Management Team at Alexandra Homes, which meets on a weekly basis. All referrals will be responded to within seven working days from the receipt of the referral. In the case where a referral is not successful, the decision will be fully discussed with the Social Worker, their line manager and/or other referrer.
When a referral has been accepted, a comprehensive assessment is carried out by Alexandra Homes. Once this is completed, an intervention programme is planned in consultation with the client, their family and carers and other key people involved with the client.
A meeting involving all key people is then convened to confirm and record all agreed arrangements, including the ongoing involvement (as appropriate) of those professionals already known to the client.
The plan sets out, in detail, the proposed intervention programme required to meet the client’s assessed needs. It specifies the roles and responsibilities of all those to be involved and demonstrates how identified aims and objectives will be achieved.
Referral Criteria – Clients:
- Should be aged between 18 – 65 years old.
- Should be appropriately diagnosed as having ASD or comorbid social communication difficulties
- Can be of either gender.
- Should be supported with documentary evidence to provide an appropriate picture of the client’s full care needs.
- Will be considered for admission within the context of being appropriate to the needs and matching considerations of other clients, already in residence.
- Will be formally assessed, by one of the Home’s Managers, which will include relevant discussions with the referring agency, reference to received documentation and in line with pre-agreed visits with the client and their carers.
All admissions will be on a planned basis.